Starter quiz

  • What is the 'argument' in your essay?
    • the quotations you have chosen to use
    • the main idea in your essay  ✓
    • the key characters and moments in the essay
    • the context you link to your analysis
  • Which of the following is NOT a feature of a good essay?
    • interwoven analysis of language, form and structure
    • integrated context
    • an introduction with an interesting, critical thesis
    • a conclusion that introduces a new idea  ✓
    • a consistent argument
  • How should quotations be presented in essays?
    • introduced with a bit of context about where they are from  ✓
    • not introduced - the reader should know where i the text the quotation is from
    • embedded within the sentence  ✓
    • not embedded - introduced with 'Dickens writes'
  • What are connotations?
    • information about a writer or their time period
    • ideas we form about a text
    • images or ideas that a certain word evokes  ✓
    • a summary of one's main argument
  • Which of the following might be examples of subject terminology?
    • character  ✓
    • selfish
    • Malthusian
    • simile  ✓
    • Dickens
  • Which of the following is an example of an embedded quotation?
    • The girl's long and blonde hair was "flowing in the wind."  ✓
    • The writer states: "he had always been angry for as long as he could remember."
    • The novella opens with the phrase: "Marley was dead; to begin with."
    • The novella's concluding statement that 'peace had finally been restored...'  ✓
    • Life was always hard for Jessica. We know that: "Jessica had struggled."