Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm' how does Napoleon show his contempt towards Snowball's windmill plans?
    • He tears them up.
    • He urinates over them.  ✓
    • He hides them in the farmhouse.
    • He sets them on fire.
    • He gives them to Mr. Whymper.
  • In 'Animal Farm' how does Napoleon plan to get supplies to build the windmill?
    • Steal from the humans.
    • Get the animals to make supplies themselves.
    • Begin trading with the humans.  ✓
    • Ask Mr. Jones for help.
  • In 'Animal Farm' what reason does Napoleon give for the windmill collapsing in the wind?
    • He blames Snowball and labels him as traitor.  ✓
    • He admits that the windmill's walls weren't built thick enough.
    • He states that nature is the most powerful force.
    • He blames Mr. Jones.
  • In 'Animal Farm' what reason do the humans give for the windmill collapsing?
    • They blame Snowball and label him as an ally.
    • They celebrate Mr. Jones for reclaiming his land.
    • They identify that the walls are too thin.  ✓
    • They state that nature is the most powerful force.
  • What name is given to the windmill in 'Animal Farm'?
    • Old Major Mill
    • Commrades Mill
    • Napoloen Mill  ✓
    • Manor Mill
    • Animal Farm Windmill
  • Which word beginning with 'm' describes 'a repeated idea that occurs or is referenced throughout a text'.
    • 'Motif' ✓