Starter quiz

  • When and where is 'Leave Taking' set?
    • 1960s Britain
    • 1970s Britain
    • 1980s Britain  ✓
    • 1990s Britain
    • 2010s Britain
  • Why did Enid, the heroine of 'Leave Taking', migrate to England?
    • She wanted to join her sister who already lived in London
    • Viv wanted the family to relocate so she could go to university
    • She and her husband dreamed of a better life in Britain  ✓
    • She wanted to join Mai who had already migrated
    • Migration served as one way out of rural poverty  ✓
  • In Scene Two, Del reminds Enid about a work Christmas party Enid attended. What happened at this party?
    • Del was sick and Enid had to clear it up and then leave
    • Enid's boss wouldn't allow her to attend the Christmas party
    • Enid's husband faced racial discrimination at the party
    • One of Enid's colleagues was sick and Enid was told to clear it up  ✓
    • Brod turned up to the party drunk and embarrassed Enid
  • In Scene Two, Brod and Enid discuss one of their mutual friends, Gullyman. What does Brod say about this character?
    • He is angry at the "police vans hunting" him down because he is Black
    • Like Brod, he is angry at having to pay to become a British citizen
    • He is moving back to Jamaica because Brod encouraged him to
    • He migrated to England with nothing, and slowly secured economic stability  ✓
    • He was the victim of a racist attack  ✓
  • Pinnock includes a number of minor, off stage characters in 'Leave Taking'. Match each character to what we know about them.
    • Gullyman
      friend of Brod and Enid's; the subject of a racist attack ✓
    • British Pastor
      Enid invites him over; Brod criticises him for lack of fervour ✓
    • Pastor Chully Johnson
      a Pastor who lives in Jamaica that Enid and Brod recall fondly ✓
    • Mooma
      Enid's mother, with whom she had a difficult relationship ✓
    • Mai's son
      a young man who is not comfortable with his British identity ✓
  • In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Viv that "sometime I feel like a cat chasing him own tail. Going round and round and getting ______ but dizzy".
    • 'nowhere' ✓