Starter quiz

  • In 'Leave Taking', which characters are first generation immigrants?
    • Enid  ✓
    • Del
    • Viv
    • Mai  ✓
    • Brod  ✓
  • In 'Leave Taking', which characters are second generation immigrants?
    • Enid
    • Del  ✓
    • Viv  ✓
    • Mai
    • Brod
  • When was 'Leave Taking' first performed?
    • 1980
    • 1987  ✓
    • 1995
    • 2018
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', why is Brod angry at the British government?
    • because of the Windrush Scandal
    • because of the racist attack on Gullyman
    • because they want him to update his Jamaican passport
    • because he has to pay to become a British citizen  ✓
    • because Viv is not considered a British citizen
  • In her introduction to 'Leave Taking', Pinnock states "I wanted to make Enid the heroine of the play because I couldn't recall ever seeing such a character [...] as the ______ in a British play."
    • 'lead' ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Brod is angry that he has to seek naturalisation. What does it mean to seek naturalisation?
    • the act of moving from one country to another
    • the act of getting a passport
    • the act of moving back to your country of birth
    • the act of making someone a legal citizen of a country they weren't born in  ✓