Starter quiz

  • 'Leave Taking' is a play. We are reading the script. The script is made up of scenes, dialogue and what other dramatic device?
    • acts
    • chapters
    • actors
    • stage directions  ✓
    • couplets
  • How does scene two of 'Leave Taking' begin?
    • Mai is visiting.
    • The Pastor is visiting.
    • Viv is studying.  ✓
    • Del is studying.
    • Enid is cleaning.  ✓
  • In scene four of 'Leave Taking', Viv enters the living room. What does she find there?
    • Her mother in the dark.  ✓
    • Her mother drinking.  ✓
    • Brod drinking.
    • Her sister creeping in after a late night.
    • Her mother dancing.
  • In scene six of 'Leave Taking', Enid asks Mai, "You ever wonder if it was worth it?". What is Enid talking about?
    • having children
    • migrating to England  ✓
    • obeah
    • leaving Jamaica  ✓
    • marriage
  • In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Enid consults Mai once more. What does she ask for support with?
    • Viv's exam results
    • contacting her mother
    • protecting Del  ✓
    • sleeping  ✓
    • money
  • In scene six of 'Leave Taking', Pinnock includes stage directions to increase our understanding of Enid's pain, writing, Enid's mouth "opens in a soundless ______."
    • 'scream' ✓