Starter quiz

  • What word beginning with 'L' means "to make something seem acceptable and lawful, particularly something bad"?
    • 'legitimise' ✓
  • Which word beginning with 'D' means to give out or spread, particularly with reference to news and information.
    • 'disseminate' ✓
  • Which language feature helps you to logically sequence your topic sentences?
    • discourse markers  ✓
    • adjectives
    • determiners
    • adverbs
  • Starting with the first, put the plot points from 'Animal Farm' in chronological order.
    • 1
      Old Major give his inspiring speech about equality.
    • 2
      The rebellion happens and the animals chase Mr. Jones off the farm.
    • 3
      Animalism is established and the seven commandments are created.
    • 4
      The Battle of the Cowshed happens and Snowball fights bravely.
    • 5
      Napoleon expels Snowball, seizes power and begins his reign of terror.
    • 6
      The Battle of the Windmill results in the animals working even harder.
    • 7
      The pigs begin to walk on two feet and reduce the commandments to one statement.
  • Match the character from 'Animal Farm' to the historical figure they represent.
    • Napoleon
      Joseph Stalin ✓
    • Snowball
      Leon Trotsky ✓
    • Squealer
      Molotov and propaganda ✓
    • Mr Jones
      Tsar Nicholas II ✓
    • Old Major
      Karl Marx ✓
  • Complete the quotes from 'Animal Farm' by matching the start of the quote to the end.
    • He could turn black ...
      into white. ✓
    • Our lives are miserable ...
      laborious and short. ✓
    • Four legs good ...
      two legs bad. ✓
    • The only good human being ...
      is a dead one. ✓
    • It is for your sake that ...
      we drink that milk and eat those apples. ✓
    • All animals are equal ...
      but some animals are more equal than others. ✓