Starter quiz

  • In 'Leave Taking', why is Enid particularly proud of Viv?
    • She has a good job.
    • She is interested in her cultural heritage.
    • She is respectful when the Pastor visits.
    • She is an academic student.  ✓
    • She is going to go to university.  ✓
  • In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Mai that she is not worried about Viv because, "They can't take you ______ away from you".
    • 'education' ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', how does Pinnock draw attention to the Eurocentric nature of Viv's schooling?
    • Viv quotes from Shakespeare.  ✓
    • Del draws attention to it, and this is why Enid slaps her.
    • Viv doesn't know who Nanny of the Maroons is.  ✓
    • Viv quotes from Rupert Brooke.  ✓
    • Brod draws attention to it, and this is why Enid throws him out.
  • In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Mai that she worries about Del. Why does Enid worry about Del?
    • Enid is worried that Del doesn't have strong qualifications, unlike Viv.  ✓
    • Enid worries Del is going to become an obeah woman.
    • Enid is worried that Del drinks to excess.
    • Enid is worried that Del wants to visit the West Indies.
    • Enid is worried because she doesn't know where Del is.  ✓
  • Education is an important theme in 'Leave Taking'. How does Pinnock explore this theme through the character of Brod?
    • Brod comes into conflict with Enid about the way she is teaching her daughters.  ✓
    • Brod complains about his own education, and how it has impacted his life.
    • Brod draws attention to Viv's Eurocentric education.  ✓
    • Brod teaches Del about her cultural heritage.
    • Brod serves as the catalyst for Viv questioning her formal education.  ✓
  • Education is an important theme in 'Leave Taking'. How does Pinnock explore this theme through the character of Mai?
    • Mai teaches Del about her cultural heritage.  ✓
    • Mai shows the importance of informal education.  ✓
    • Mai encourages Viv to reject her Eurocentric education.
    • Mai complains about her own education and the impact it had on her.
    • Mai is especially proud of her son because of his academic success.