Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm' what is Boxer's repeated maxim?
    • "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
    • "Ignorance is strength."
    • "Four legs good, two legs bad."
    • "I will work harder."  ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', what ends Boxer's life?
    • Old age
    • The windmill falls on him
    • He is sold to the glue factory  ✓
    • He is killed in a battle with the humans
    • Napoleon's dogs attack him
  • In 'Animal Farm' what emotion does Boxer express when he thinks he has killed a farmhand?
    • Pride
    • Apathy
    • Anger
    • Regret  ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', which animal "seemed quite unchanged since the Rebellion"?
    • Boxer
    • Benjamin  ✓
    • Clover
    • Mollie
  • Match the characters from 'Animal Farm' to their descriptions.
    • Boxer
      "He was not of first rate intelligence" ✓
    • Benjamin
      "read as well as any pig" ✓
    • Muriel
      "could read somewhat better than the dogs" ✓
    • Clover
      "If she could have spoken her thoughts" ✓
    • The sheep
      "Four legs good, two legs bad" ✓
    • Snowball
      "was best at writing" ✓
  • What is the ultimate irony in the pigs' approach to education in 'Animal Farm'?
    • The pigs become exemplary educators for all animals.
    • Education is completely neglected by the pigs.
    • The pigs use education to maintain their own privilege.  ✓
    • The animals refuse to engage in any form of learning.