Starter quiz

  • Match the type of pronoun to the correct example.
    • first person
      I, me, my ✓
    • second person
      you, your ✓
    • third person
      he, she, they ✓
    • first person collective
      we, us, our ✓
  • The reason or purpose for a text is known as the writer's...
    • 'intention' ✓
  • What does it mean if you 'analyse' something?
    • give a brief overview
    • look at it in detail  ✓
    • use quotations to support your points
  • What is being described here: a group of words with similar meaning, or that can be grouped by a subject.
    • 'semantic field' ✓
  • What might it mean to 'unify'?
    • bring together something  ✓
    • have a good connection with something
    • support or strengthen something
  • When a text appeals to the reader using the pronoun 'you' this is an example of...
    • emotive language
    • rhetorical question
    • direct address  ✓