Starter quiz

  • Which of these words could you use to describe the relationship between a mother and their child?
    • historical  ✓
    • romantic
    • familial  ✓
    • professional
  • Why is it important to consider the wider context of a poem in your analysis of it?
    • It gives the impression that you know a lot more about the poem
    • It allows you to use lots of advanced vocabulary
    • It can give important insights into the writer's intentions/attitudes  ✓
    • It means you don't have to include as many quotations from the text
    • It indicates you which other poems you could compare it to
  • Which of these words is an example of a possessive pronoun?
    • you
    • under
    • they
    • mine  ✓
    • before
  • Which of these words means 'associated with a caring, nurturing significant mother'?
    • paternal
    • matriarch
    • patriarch
    • maternal  ✓
    • matricide
  • Which of these sentences is in the second person?
    • I'm getting too old for this
    • You should think carefully about your next steps  ✓
    • He was excited for the trip to France
    • We should go out for pizza
    • They were never too tired to play video games
  • Which of these is a synonym for 'not afraid to break the rules'?
    • retrospective
    • chaotic
    • obedient
    • authoritative
    • rebellious  ✓