Starter quiz

  • Something that joins two or more things is a...
    • connection  ✓
    • fragment
    • separation
  • If there is no pattern to the structure of the poem then it has...
    • an irregular structure  ✓
    • a regular structure
    • a sonnet structure
  • A universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature is the...
    • 'theme' ✓
  • Which of the following rhyming patterns indicates a regular structure?
    • ABAB CDCD  ✓
  • Which revolution brought technological advances and arguably poor working conditions to Britain?
    • Industrial Revolution  ✓
    • French Revolution
    • Russians Revolution
  • What do the following three titles have in common: 'Lines written in early spring', 'England in 1819', 'A century later'?
    • a sense of time  ✓
    • a sense of identity
    • a sense of dislocation