Starter quiz

  • What does it mean to compare?
    • explore similarities between two or more things
    • explore differences between two or more things
    • explore similarities and differences between two or more things  ✓
  • How many poems from the Power and Conflict anthology will you be expected to compare at a time?
    • one
    • two  ✓
    • three
  • The ''lone and level'' sands of 'Ozymandias' are comparable to the __________ of 'Extract from The Prelude'.
    • ''elfin pinnace''
    • ''solitude and desertion''
    • ''huge peak, black and huge''  ✓
  • How are the ''lone and level'' sands of 'Ozymandias' comparable to the ''huge peak'' of 'Extract from The Prelude''?
    • Both show nature's ability to destroy
    • Both show the awe of the natural world  ✓
    • Both show mankind's weakness
  • Match the technique to the appropriate quote.
    • ''huge peak, black and huge''
      repetition of monosyllabic words ✓
    • ''cold command''
      guttural alliteration ✓
    • ''Look on my works''
      imperative ✓
    • ''the horizon's utmost boundary''
      superlative ✓
    • ''runs in blood down palace walls''
      metaphor ✓
    • ''marriage hearse''
      juxtaposition ✓
  • Both 'Ozymandias' and 'Extract from The Prelude' show how nature is powerful enough to...
    • give a young boy an existential epiphany
    • destroy magnficent statues
    • destroy reputation
    • destory man's ego  ✓