Starter quiz

  • 'When We Two Parted' is a poem about...
    • two people reflecting on their relationship after seeing some swans
    • someone reminiscing about childhood memories visiting their grandfather
    • someone reflecting on the day their relationship ended
    • someone reflecting on their feelings about an illicit affair they had  ✓
    • someone reflecting on their feelings about the idea of love
  • Alliteration is when a writer...
    • compares two things using 'like' or 'as'
    • gives human qualities to an inanimate object
    • uses multiple words near to each that all begin with the same sound  ✓
    • begins consecutive lines with the same word or phrase
    • uses words that end in the same sound at the end of every other line
  • This poem 'When We Two Parted' was published in which era?
    • Edwardian
    • Georgian  ✓
    • Victorian
    • Elizabethan
    • Jacobean
  • When working out the rhyme scheme of a poem, the first line should always be labelled...
    • A  ✓
    • 1
    • 0
    • B
    • you don't need to label individual lines
  • 'When We Two Parted' has a __________ form.
    • regular  ✓
    • irregular
    • fragmented
    • incremental
    • erratic
  • Match up each of these inferences about the speaker in 'When We Two Parted' to the correct piece of supporting evidence.
    • they regret the affair
      "I rue thee, / too deeply to tell" ✓
    • they feel somewhat mournful
      "half broken-hearted" ✓
    • they handled the breakup in secret
      "In secret we met, / In silence I grieve" ✓
    • they are aware the affair was immoral
      "They know not I knew thee, / Who knew thee too well" ✓