Starter quiz

  • What complaints did the Duke have about the Duchess in 'My Last Duchess'?
    • She wore immodest clothing
    • She rode mules
    • She did not have generational wealth
    • Many things made her blush and smile  ✓
  • The Duke in 'My Last Duchess' is shocked how the Duchess did not feel indebted to him based on his “gift” of…
    • beautiful animals.
    • acres of land.
    • jewels.
    • high status and reputation.  ✓
  • In the line “she liked whatever she looked on and her looks went everywhere”, from 'My Last Duchess' the Duke seems…
    • content
    • jealous  ✓
    • infatuated
    • insecure  ✓
  • How does the Duke in 'My Last Duchess' seek to present himself as a powerful man?
    • He divorces his wife
    • He gifts his wife lots of expensive things
    • He controls the curtain that shields his late wife's portrait  ✓
    • He shows off his status through art  ✓
  • How many perspectives are there in 'My Last Duchess' and why is this significant?
    • one: it leads us to question the reliability of the Duke's narrative  ✓
    • two: we get a fair depiction of the Duke and Duchess' relationship
    • three: we hear the Duke's new wife's reservations too
  • Why might Browning, a Victorian poet, have set his poem 'My Last Duchess' in the Italian Renaissance?
    • he enjoyed the rich history of Italy
    • it disguises his critique of the time and place he lived in  ✓
    • his wife was Italian