Starter quiz

  • What did Thomas Hardy believe about war?
    • Hardy was pro-war and thought war was unecessary
    • Hardy was anti-war and thought war was a waste of human life  ✓
    • Hardy didn't live through any wars, and had no real opinion on them
  • What does the term 'foreshadow' mean?
    • when the writer makes subtle hints about what is to come.  ✓
    • when the writer makes a direct comparison between two things
    • when the writer exaggerates details in their description for dramatic effect
  • What person are the pronouns 'he', 'she' and 'they' written in?
    • first person
    • second person
    • third person  ✓
  • When human emotions are given to non-human objects found in nature, this is known as...
    • 'pathetic fallacy' ✓
  • Which example from 'A Wife in London' is a simile?
    • "A messenger's knock cracks smartly"
    • "She sits in the tawny vapour"
    • "Like a waning taper The street-lamp glimmers cold"  ✓
  • The way a poem is organised is the ______ of the poem.
    • 'structure' ✓