Starter quiz

  • Who is Jacob Marley in 'A Christmas Carol?'
    • Scrooge's nephew
    • Scrooge's brother
    • Scrooge's former business partner  ✓
    • Scrooge's employee
  • What do we learn about Jacob Marley in the very beginning of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • that he was a miser, like Scrooge
    • that he was very poor like Bob Cratchit
    • that he had died  ✓
    • that he had been a very popular man
  • In 'A Christmas Carol, which of the following is not a feature of the ghost of Jacob Marley's appearance?
    • long chain made of cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers and deeds
    • clear, bright jet of light emanating from its head  ✓
    • wearing a waistcoat, and tights and boots
    • transparent body
    • folded kerchief bound about its head and chin
  • What do the chains Marley's Ghost carries symbolise in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • poverty and hunger
    • ignorance and want
    • sin and immorality  ✓
    • charity and empathy
  • What makes Marley's Ghost different from the other spirits in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • he is kinder and more benevolent to Scrooge
    • he does not enlighten Scrooge in any way
    • he is a traditional ghost - the spirit of a deceased person  ✓
    • Scrooge is the most frightened of him
  • Starting with the first, put the following quotations from Marley's Ghost in chronological order of when they appear in 'A Christmas Carol'.
    • 1
      “In life I was your partner, Jacob Marley.”
    • 2
      “I wear the chain I forged in life”
    • 3
      "Is its pattern strange to you?”
    • 4
      "my spirit never roved beyond the narrow limits of our money-changing hole"
    • 5
      “Mankind was my business"
    • 6
      “That is no light part of my penance”
    • 7
      “You will be Three Spirits.”