Starter quiz

  • Starting with the first, put the following events of 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' in chronological order.
    • 1
      Mr. Enfield tells Mr. Utterson about Hyde going into Jekyll's house.
    • 2
      Mr. Utterson worries about Dr. Jekyll's will, fearing blackmail.
    • 3
      Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield keep quiet about the incident at the window.
    • 4
      Dr. Lanyon reveals in a letter the transformation of Hyde into Dr. Jekyll.
    • 5
      Dr. Jekyll reveals the full truth of his scientific experiments.
  • What word beginning with 'h' means a person who pretends to be more moral than they actually are?
    • 'hypocrite' ✓
  • In 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which two characters are, or have been, friends of Dr. Jekyll?
    • Dr. Lanyon  ✓
    • Poole
    • Mr. Utterson  ✓
    • Mr. Guest
    • Sir Danvers Carew
  • Match the quotations from 'Jekyll and Hyde' with the character.
    • "I incline to Cain's heresy"
      Mr. Utterson  ✓
    • "scientific balderdash"
      Dr. Lanyon ✓
    • "I concealed my pleasures"
      Dr. Jekyll  ✓
  • In 'Jekyll and Hyde', Mr. Utterson says that he lets his brother "go to the devil in his own way". What important biblical story does this quotation reference?
    • Adam and Eve
    • Cain and Abel  ✓
    • Noah's Ark
    • Daniel in the lion's den
  • Mr. Utterson says that he lets his brother "go to the devil in his own way". What does he mean by that?
    • that he is not responsible for someone else  ✓
    • that he doesn't care what happens to people
    • that he is religious and believes in hell and the devil