Starter quiz

  • In an analytical response, what are you expected to cover?
    • A detailed plot summary.
    • Detailed analysis of the writer's methods.  ✓
    • A detailed summary of the writer's life experiences.
    • Detailed exploration of the writer's message.  ✓
    • A detailed explanation of what your opinion about the main character was.
  • In Stave 3 of 'A Christmas Carol', what does the Ghost of Christmas Present reveal about Tiny Tim's future?
    • He will become a wealthy businessman.
    • He will remain in poor health and not survive.  ✓
    • He will become Scrooge's next business partner.
    • He will become a clerk just like his father Bob.
    • He will become a child like Ignorance and Want.
  • In 'A Christmas Carol', what is the significance of the Ghost of Christmas Present's torch?
    • It represents the warmth of family and love.
    • It symbolises the fleeting nature of time.
    • It represents Christmas spirit and goodwill.  ✓
    • It is a representation of material wealth.
    • It indicates the arrival of the winter season.
  • In Stave 3 of 'A Christmas Carol', what transformation occurs in Scrooge during his time with the Ghost of Christmas Present?
    • He becomes more miserly and resentful.
    • He experiences a deep sense of regret and sorrow.  ✓
    • He develops a greater understanding of empathy and compassion.  ✓
    • He becomes more obsessed with wealth and material possessions.
  • In Stave 3 of 'A Christmas Carol', what is the symbolic meaning of the two children under the Ghost of Christmas Present's robe?
    • Past and Future, symbolising the passage of time.
    • Wealth and Poverty, reflecting social inequality.
    • Scrooge's good and bad deeds, illustrating his inner conflict.
    • Charity and Generosity, emphasising the spirit of Christmas.
    • Ignorance and Want, representing mankind's sins.  ✓
  • What is Dickens' message about childhood in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • It is not a significant or important time.
    • Children should be used as a resource to support one's family.
    • Children don't need protecting - it is better that they understand injustice.
    • Children need protecting, so that they don't become resentful adults.  ✓
    • Children should live a carefree and dependent childhood.  ✓