Starter quiz

  • Who visits Scrooge in stave 1 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
    • Marley's Ghost  ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present
  • Match the correct stave to the ghost who visits Scrooge in that stave of 'A Christmas Carol'.
    • stave 1
      Marley's ghost ✓
    • stave 2
      The Ghost of Christmas Past  ✓
    • stave 3
      The Ghost of Christmas Present ✓
    • stave 4
      The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come ✓
  • What is the weather like in stave 1 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • warm and sunny
    • mild and clear
    • cold and foggy  ✓
    • thunder and lightning
    • hot and humid
  • What announces the entrance of Marley's Ghost in stave 1 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • the ringing of bells  ✓
    • the curtains parting
    • a supernatural voice from above
    • a dog barking
    • a door creaking
  • Which of the following statements is true of Fezziwig's party in stave 2 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Lots of people were too tired to dance after a long day's work.
    • The guest list was very exclusive.
    • Two fiddlers played jolly music for the guests.
    • There was lots of dancing and festive cheer.  ✓
    • Everybody was invited to the party.  ✓
  • What is symbolism?
    • Using two or more words that all begin with the same letter.
    • Using elements from the beginning of a text again at the end.
    • Comparing two things that are the not the same using 'like' or 'as'.
    • Using an object or 'thing' to represent an abstract idea or concept.  ✓
    • Using words that sound like the sounds they make, e.g. boom.