Starter quiz

  • Which part of a person's life did Charles Dickens think was particularly significant in shaping a person?
    • old age
    • childhood  ✓
    • young adulthood
    • mid adulthood
  • What did Charles Dickens believe would happen to children who faced injustice?
    • They would grow up to be poor.
    • They would grow up to be lonely.
    • They would grow up to be resentful.  ✓
    • They would turn their backs on society.  ✓
    • They would die young.
  • Which of the following statements are true about Scrooge's childhood in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • Scrooge was neglected by his friends.  ✓
    • Scrooge's father died when he was a very young boy.
    • Scrooge's little sister Fan ran away to France when she was a young adult.
    • Scrooge's father left him at boarding school during the holidays.  ✓
    • Scrooge was a well-loved child at school - particularly by his teachers.
  • In 'A Christmas Carol', why does Belle break her engagement with Scrooge off?
    • Because he doesn't have enough money to sustain a life with her.
    • Because she doesn't love him anymore.
    • Because she recognises that his priorities have changed.  ✓
    • Because he didn't want to have a family with her.
  • Which of the following is the correct definition for the term 'emotional repression'?
    • When you don't feel any emotions at all.
    • When you are overhwlemed with extreme emotion.
    • When you push your emotions away and ignore them.  ✓
    • When you show your emotions clearly to others.
    • When you cannot interpret or understand other people's emotions.
  • Match the 'A Christmas Carol' quotation up to the stave it appears in.
    • stave 2
      “A solitary child, neglected by his friends, is left there" ✓
    • stave 1
      “Because you fell in love!” growled Scrooge... ✓
    • stave 3
      “Are there no prisons?” said the Spirit, turning on him..." ✓
    • stave 4
      "Assure me that I yet may change these shadows" ✓