Starter quiz

  • Which of the ghosts in 'A Christmas Carol' resembles the Victorian depiction of Father Christmas?
    • Marley's ghost
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present  ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
  • Which of the ghosts in 'A Christmas Carol' wears a white tunic and has a clear, bright jet of light emanating from its head?
    • Marley's ghost
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past  ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
  • Which of the four ghosts in 'A Christmas Carol' tells Scrooge that they "wear the chains [they] forged in life"?
    • Marley's Ghost  ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
  • Here is a sentence that uses the word 'depict'. Father Christmas is commonly depicted wearing a plush red tunic with fur trimming and a black belt. What might 'to depict' mean?
    • created/made
    • rumoured/alleged
    • shown/represented  ✓
    • directed/instructed
    • told/informed
  • When Scrooge sees The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come approaching in Stave 4 of 'A Christmas Carol', it is described as moving 'like a mist along the ground'. What is the effect of Dickens' simile ?
    • it reflects Scrooge's newfound joy and merriment.
    • It suggests that the ghost is inescapable - it is everywhere.  ✓
    • It shows that the ghost moves slowly to reflect the way time moves in the text.
    • It characterises the ghost as mysterious and frightening.  ✓
    • The ghost reflects Scrooge's mood: dark and cruel.
  • Match the quotation up to the ghost whose speech or action it is in 'A Christmas Carol'.
    • Marley's Ghost
      "I cannot stay, I cannot linger anywhere." ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
      "Would you so soon put out... the light I give?" ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present
      "You are more worthless and less fit to live than millions." ✓
    • Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
      "The Spirit answered not, but pointed onward with its hand." ✓