Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm', Orwell primarily criticises which totalitarian leader?
    • Vladimir Lenin
    • Joseph Stalin  ✓
    • Adolf Hitler
    • Leon Trotsky
  • Which of the following genres does 'Animal Farm' not fit?
    • Fable
    • Satire
    • Fairy story
    • Farce  ✓
    • Allegory
  • In what armed conflict did George Orwell participate voluntarily?
    • The Russian Revolution
    • World War II
    • Spanish Civil War  ✓
    • World War I
  • Orwell's other extremely successful novel is called what?
    • 1984  ✓
    • Brighton Rock
    • Brave New World
    • The Master and the Margerita
    • Farenheit 451
  • In 'Animal Farm', which class of creatures stages its own small-scale, unsuccessful rebellion against the pigs?
    • The hens  ✓
    • The sheeps
    • The dogs
    • The rats and rabbits
    • The cows
  • Match the character from 'Animal Farm' to the historical figure or idea they represent.
    • The dogs
      The secret police ✓
    • Boxer
      Alexei Stakhanov ✓
    • Mr. Jones
      Tsar Nicholas II ✓
    • Snowball
      Lean Trotsky ✓
    • Squealer
      Molotov ✓
    • Old Major
      Karl Marx ✓