Starter quiz

  • Which of these best defines the act of manipulation?
    • The subtle or dishonest control or influence over others.  ✓
    • The act of leading by example.
    • The art of honest persuasion.
    • The skill of clear communication.
  • In 'Animal Farm' what does Snowball think is the most important?
    • The seven commandments
    • Wealth
    • Power
    • Education  ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm' how do the pigs initially justify taking the "milk and apples"?
    • They claim it's a reward for their hard work.
    • They argue that they need special nutrients.  ✓
    • They say it's to prevent the humans from getting them.
    • They don't provide any justification.
  • In 'Animal Farm' which of these are examples of how Napoleon has built a 'cult of personality' on the farm?
    • Trading with Fredrick and Pilkington.
    • Awarding himself military decorations.  ✓
    • Secretly urinating on Snowball's windmill plans.
    • He is given names like "father of all the animals" and "terror of mankind".  ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', how does Squealer deceive the other animals about Boxer's fate?
    • He claims Boxer retired to a farm for old animals.
    • He says Boxer died peacefully in a hospital.  ✓
    • He blames the humans for Boxer's death.
    • He doesn't address Boxer's fate.
  • In 'Animal Farm' what deceptive tactic do the pigs use to maintain control during the 'Battle of the Windmill'?
    • They stay out of sight and let the other animals fight.
    • They disguise themselves as humans.
    • They manipulate the animals with false reports of victory.  ✓
    • They fight alongside the other animals.