Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm' the fifth commandment, "no animal shall drink alcohol", is changed. How is it changed and why?
    • "without cause" was added so the pigs could use it as medicine.
    • "ever" was added because none of the pigs wanted to be like men.
    • "to excess" was added so the pigs could drink alcohol.  ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', what was the name of the pig that tested Napoloen's food?
    • 'Minimus' ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', what did the pigs buy after they sold Boxer to the 'knacker'?
    • land
    • beer
    • sugar
    • whisky  ✓
    • weapons
  • Complete the quote from 'Animal Farm'. "It is for your sake that we ..."
    • eat sugar and drink milk.
    • drink that milk and eat those apples.  ✓
    • take the apples and milk away.
    • drink whisky.
  • In 'Animal Farm', what reason does Squealer give for the pigs drinking milk and eating apples?
    • The pigs have always enjoyed luxurious privileges due to their intelligence.
    • The pigs need the nutrients to stay healthy and lead the farm.  ✓
    • A temporary measure to sustain the pigs' strength during challenging times.
    • The pigs are entitled to special treatment as they are the natural leaders.
  • In 'Animal Farm', what is Mollie worried about losing after the rebellion?
    • ribbons and sugar  ✓
    • sugar and apples
    • bows and ribbons
    • apples and ribbons
    • sugar and milk