Starter quiz

  • At the end of chapter three of 'Animal Farm', the pigs alone are allowed to eat the milk and apples. Which commandment does this break?
    • All animals are equal.  ✓
    • Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy.
    • No animal shall drink alcohol.
    • No animal shall kill any other animal.
  • Complete this maxim from 'Animal Farm': 'Four legs good, ...'
    • 'two legs bad' ✓
  • The character of Mollie from 'Animal Farm' represents which political class?
    • The proletariat.
    • The bourgeoisie.  ✓
    • The aristocracy.
  • In chapter 3 of 'Animal Farm', Moses talks extensively of 'Sugarcandy mountain'. What does he represent?
    • Religion.  ✓
    • Communism.
    • Capitalism.
    • The bourgeoisie.
    • Nazism.
  • What is the definition of the word 'nuance'? Here it is used in a sentence: 'His words carried a nuance of scepticism'.
    • Characterised by subtle shades of meaning.  ✓
    • Characterised by a very clear and explicit meaning.
    • Characterised by a vague meaning.
    • Characterised by a variety of contrasting meanings.
  • The animals of 'Animal Farm' create 'Animalism'. What is it an allusion to?
    • Communism.  ✓
    • Socialism.
    • Capitalism.
    • Nazism.