Starter quiz

  • Who is the owner of Manor Farm at the beginning of the novella 'Animal Farm'?
    • Mr. Jones  ✓
    • Mr. Smith
    • Mr. Brown
    • Mr. Wilson
  • Old Major, a "prize middle weight boar", delivers a speech in chapter 1 of 'Animal Farm'. What is his main message?
    • Humans are their friends.
    • All animals are equal.  ✓
    • Some animals are more equal than others.
    • Dogs are the smartest animals.
  • Which word beginning with 'H' means a system where members of society are ranked according to status or power?
    • 'hierarchy' ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', which two quotes are most effective at presenting the hierarchies already present in the barn?
    • "there was a stirring and a fluttering all through the farm buildings."
    • "the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform."  ✓
    • "raised platform"  ✓
    • "he lurched across the year"
  • Match the rhetorical device to the quote from Old Major's speech, which he makes in chapter 1 of 'Animal Farm'.
    • rhetorical question
      "What is the nature of this life of ours?" ✓
    • anaphora
      "All men are enemies. All animals are comrades" ✓
    • metaphor
      "no animal escapes the cruel knife" ✓
    • direct address
      "you cows that I see before me." ✓
    • triplet/rule of three
      "our lives are miserable, laborious, and short" ✓
  • Match the political ideology to the definition.
    • Marxism
      Karl Marx's ideas about class struggles and equality. ✓
    • Communism
      Government owns everything, aiming for fairness. ✓
    • Socialism
      Mix of government control and private ownership. ✓
    • Capitalism
      Private businesses, competition, and individual ownership. ✓