Starter quiz

  • When 'Macbeth' was first performed, who was the monarch of England?
    • Elizabeth I
    • Banquo
    • Macbeth
    • James I  ✓
  • Which of the following help to illustrate the witches' power in Act 1 of 'Macbeth'?
    • They first appear in a storm.  ✓
    • They have the support of familiars (demons).  ✓
    • They call each other sister.
    • They meet Macbeth and Banquo at the same time.
    • They appear genderless.  ✓
  • Match the words to their definitions.
    • outsider
      A character who is not accepted by society. ✓
    • subversive
      Someone who does not accept rules or standards. ✓
    • conform
      Someone who accepts rules or standards. ✓
    • femininity
      Qualities seen as characteristic to women and girls. ✓
  • In 'Macbeth', which of the following are examples of disorder in the natural world?
    • Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost.  ✓
    • Lady Macbeth asks 'spirits' to 'unsex' her.  ✓
    • Macbeth and Banquo's friendship breaks down.
    • Macbeth is promoted to the Thane of Cawdor by King Duncan.
    • Malcolm flees to England.
  • In James I's book 'Daemonology', he outlines why it is more likely that women will be witches. What reason does he give for this?
    • The devil prefers working with women.
    • Women are naturally more evil than men.
    • Women are weaker than men so they are easier prey for the devil.  ✓
    • Men are incapable of practising magic.
  • In 'Macbeth', do the Macbeths have any children?
    • Yes, but they don't appear in the play.
    • Yes, and Macbeth kills them.
    • No, but there are suggestions that they had in the past.  ✓
    • No, no references are ever made to the Macbeths having children.