Starter quiz

  • Match the final three scenes of Act 1 of 'Macbeth' and the first two scenes of Act 2 of 'Macbeth' to their plot points
    • Act 1, Scene 5
      Lady Macbeth hears of the prophecies. ✓
    • Act 1, Scene 6
      Lady Macbeth welcomes Duncan to the castle. ✓
    • Act 1, Scene 7
      Lady Macbeth goads Macbeth into regicide. ✓
    • Act 2, Scene 1
      Macbeth hallucinates a dagger and commits regicide. ✓
    • Act 2, Scene 2
      Lady Macbeth frames the guards; Macbeth regrets the regicide ✓
  • In Act 1, Scene 3 of 'Macbeth', King Duncan appoints the heir to the throne should he die. What is the name of his heir?
    • Macduff.
    • Macbeth.
    • Banquo.
    • Malcolm.  ✓
    • Donalbain.
  • In Act 1 of 'Macbeth', why does King Duncan decide to stay with the Macbeths?
    • He is suspicious of Lady Macbeth and wants to keep an eye on her.
    • Banquo told him of the prophecies so he is suspicious of Macbeth.
    • It is meant as an honour to the Macbeths following Macbeth's bravery in battle.  ✓
    • The witches lead Duncan to the Macbeths' castle.
    • Lady Macbeth invites him so she can kill him more easily.
  • In Act 2, Scene 2 of 'Macbeth', Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that when he heard Duncan's guards praying, he couldn't join in and that the word 'Amen ______ in [his] throat'.
    • 'stuck' ✓
  • King James I (King when 'Macbeth' was first performed) wrote a book about The Divine Right of Kings. What are the main ideas in this book?
    • That monarchs are God's representatives on Earth.  ✓
    • That to challenge a monarch is to challenge God's authority.  ✓
    • That Macbeth should be punished because he committed regicide.
    • That Jacobeans are all divine.
    • That God created all people equal.
  • After committing the regicide in Act 2 of 'Macbeth', Macbeth worries that he will never be able to pray again. Why is this one of his worries?
    • Lady Macbeth won't let him pray as she is devoted to 'spirits'.
    • Kings don't need to pray to God because they are God-like.
    • He hallucinates the vision of the guards saying this to him.
    • Prayer is a means of communication with God; he has destroyed this relationship.  ✓
    • The witches have cast a spell on him so he can no longer pray.