Starter quiz

  • 'Macbeth' is a play. Which of the following are features of plays?
    • dialogue  ✓
    • designed to be performed  ✓
    • divided into chapters
    • divided into acts  ✓
    • stage directions  ✓
  • What was William Shakespeare famous for writing?
    • sonnets (poems)  ✓
    • plays  ✓
    • narrative poems  ✓
    • pamphlets
    • articles
  • Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He experienced life under two monarchs. Which monarchs?
    • Queen Victoria
    • King Edward VII
    • Queen Elizabeth I  ✓
    • King James I  ✓
    • Queen Anne
  • 'Macbeth' is a tragedy. Which of the below are also considered Shakespearean tragedies?
    • A Midsummer Night's Dream
    • Othello  ✓
    • Hamlet  ✓
    • The Tempest
    • Romeo and Juliet  ✓
  • 'Macbeth' is a tragedy. Which of the following are features of Shakespearean tragedies?
    • the supernatural
    • the death of the hero  ✓
    • marriage
    • the rise and fall of a character  ✓
    • mistaken identity
  • 'Macbeth' starts with terrible weather - thunder and lightening - and three witches. What inferences could we make about this opening?
    • It is designed to make us laugh
    • It is designed to make us think
    • It is designed to scare us  ✓
    • It is designed to signal the supernatural themes  ✓
    • It is designed to signal it is a play about a hero