Starter quiz

  • Which of the following could not logically be described as Macbeth's hamartia?
    • His hubris.
    • His bloodlust.
    • His bravery.  ✓
    • His insecurities surrounding masculinity.
  • Which of these is not a value of the chivalric code?
    • Honour
    • Honesty
    • Loyalty
    • Intelligence  ✓
  • Complete this sentence: ______ is used as a foil to Macbeth as his connection with his grief contrasts with Macbeth's hyper-masculine rejection of emotion.
    • 'Macduff' ✓
  • Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use of the word 'emasculation?'
    • Lady Macbeth emasculation her husband.
    • Arguably, the emasculation of Macbeth leads to his downfall.  ✓
    • Macbeth's hamartia was his emasculation.
    • Macbeth's most noble quality was his emasculation.
  • Which quotation below best illustrates than Macduff is a more well-rounded man than Macbeth?
    • "Bleed, bleed, poor country!"
    • "Tyrant, show thy face!"
    • "Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped."
    • "But I must also feel it like a man."  ✓
  • Fill in the blank: Arguably, Macbeth's hamartia is the insecurities he feels about his lack of ______ line
    • 'patrilineal' ✓