Starter quiz

  • What are Macbeth's greatest character flaws? Select the three most appropriate answers.
    • He is incredibly ambitious.  ✓
    • He is too trusting of others.
    • He is a coward.
    • He is susceptible to manipulation.  ✓
    • He has a desire to harm others.  ✓
  • Fill in the blank: A character who is a construct, designed to highlight contrasting qualities in another character, is called a ______.
    • 'foil' ✓
  • Which of the following characters is not a foil to Macbeth?
    • King Duncan
    • Lady Macbeth  ✓
    • Banquo
    • Macduff
  • Put the following events into the chronological order they appear in the play.
    • 1
      Macbeth hears the witches' prophecies
    • 2
      Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband
    • 3
      Duncan is murdered
    • 4
      Banquo is murdered and his ghost appears at the banquet
    • 5
      After the witches' second prophecies, Macbeth has Macduff's family murdered
    • 6
      Lady Macbeth kills herself
    • 7
      Macbeth dies in a battle with Macduff
  • What is the definition of hamartia?
    • Hamartia is a fatal flaw.  ✓
    • Hamartia is a desire to commit terrible crimes.
    • Hamartia is excessive pride.
  • Which of the sentences below is correctly using the term hubris?
    • Macbeth's hubris is his desire to please his wife.
    • By allowing himself to be manipulated, Macbeth is showing his hubris.
    • In believing he cannot be defeated, Macbeth shows hubris.  ✓