Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is not an external influence that contributes to Macbeth's downfall?
    • The witches' prophecies.
    • Macbeth's personal ambition.  ✓
    • Lady Macbeth's manipulative behaviour.
  • Complete the sentence by adding either a conventional or an unconventional in the gap. Lady Macbeth is ______ depiction of an 11th Century Gaelic woman.
    • 'an unconventional' ✓
  • Which three quotes are said by Lady Macbeth in an attempt to manipulate her husband?
    • "Live a coward in thine own esteem."  ✓
    • "Are you a man?"  ✓
    • "All hail Macbeth!"
    • "Was hope drunk?"  ✓
    • "For brave Macbeth, - well he deserves that name."
  • Complete this sentence: The first character we see contemplating committing crimes is ______
    • 'Macbeth' ✓
  • Select three adjectives which best describe Lady Macbeth's behaviour in the first half of the play.
    • Domineering  ✓
    • Isolated
    • Manipulative  ✓
    • Persuasive  ✓
    • Guilty
  • Which of the words below means, 'the act of making a man feel like less of a man?'
    • Emasculating  ✓
    • Manipulating
    • Exploiting