Starter quiz

  • In 'Macbeth', why is it decided that Banquo must die?
    • Banquo has guessed Macbeth murdered Duncan.
    • The prophecies said Banquo's sons will become king.  ✓
    • Banquo has proven himself to be disloyal.
  • 'In Macbeth', who decides to murder Banquo?
    • Macbeth  ✓
    • Lady Macbeth
    • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth together
  • In 'Macbeth', how is Banquo killed?
    • Macbeth orders murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance.  ✓
    • Banquo is murdered at Macbeth's banquet.
    • Banquo is killed in battle against Macbeth.
  • In 'Macbeth', who or what does Macbeth see sitting in his seat at the banquet?
    • 'Banquo's ghost.' ✓
  • What does deteriorating mean in this context: "Macbeth's mental state was deteriorating as his ambition consumed him."
    • Showing remarkable improvement and resilience.
    • Gradually becoming worse or declining in quality, condition or mental state.  ✓
    • Maintaining a stable and unchanging state over time.
  • What does tormented mean in this context: "Macbeth was tormented by guilt and visions of his misdeeds."
    • Engaged in a continuous state of contemplation or meditation.
    • Repeatedly subjected to physical punishment or torture.
    • Experiencing severe mental or emotional anguish, distress or suffering.  ✓