Starter quiz

  • In 'Macbeth', Macbeth sees a vision of which weapon, shortly before killing Duncan?
    • 'Dagger' ✓
  • Put the following events of Act 1 and Act 2 of 'Macbeth' in order.
    • 1
      Macbeth and Banquo hear the prophecies. Macbeth is excited.
    • 2
      Macbeth tells his wife he cannot kill Duncan.
    • 3
      Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband.
    • 4
      Macbeth hallucinates seeing a dagger.
    • 5
      Macbeth believes the hallucination was a sign to kill Duncan.
    • 6
      Macbeth murders Duncan in his sleep.
  • In 'Macbeth', why does Macbeth choose to kill King Duncan? Choose all that apply.
    • Macbeth does not want to disappoint his wife.  ✓
    • Macbeth is afraid of the witches.
    • Macbeth is ambitious and wants to be king.  ✓
    • The prophecies told Macbeth he must kill Duncan.
  • A sentence which starts a paragraph, clearly outlining the purpose of your paragraph is called a...?
    • 'topic sentence' ✓
  • What does embedding a quotation mean?
    • Using quotations throughout an essay.
    • Selecting quotations effectively.
    • Inserting quotations into your writing at appropriate moments.  ✓
  • What does subsequent mean in the following sentence? "Subsequent to Duncan's murder, Macbeth's guilt intensified."
    • Following in time or order; occurring or coming after something else.  ✓
    • Having a strong desire to succeed or achieve a goal.
    • In a state of rest or inactivity.