Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is a verb?
    • be  ✓
    • table
    • smirking  ✓
    • candle
    • consult  ✓
  • Identify the noun in the following sentence: The bright jacket hung on the door.
    • bright
    • jacket  ✓
    • hung
    • on
  • How many verbs are in the following sentence: I was in a state of extreme paranoia as I ran, panting down the road.
    • one
    • two
    • three  ✓
    • four
  • Which of the following are synonyms for, or shades of 'red'?
    • cerulean
    • scarlet  ✓
    • vermillion  ✓
    • maroon  ✓
    • cyan
  • Which of the following words is a more provocative synonym for 'upset' in this sentence: I am upset that you are not taking this seriously.
    • disheartened
    • disappointed  ✓
    • outraged
    • bothered
    • sad
  • Which of the following phrases is the most persuasive?
    • I firmly believe that this issue needs addressing.
    • I think that this issue needs addressing.
    • This issue needs addressing.  ✓
    • In my opinion, this issue needs addressing.