Starter quiz

  • In 'Sonnet 29', Barrett-Browning describes her intense thoughts of her absent lover using an extended metaphor to compare her thoughts to...
    • a tree
    • leaves
    • vines  ✓
    • the ocean
    • a mountain
  • In 'Love's Philosophy', Shelley uses natural imagery and __________ imagery to imply that there is a moral good associated with togetherness and natural symmetry.
    • sentimental
    • ambiguous
    • natural
    • religious  ✓
    • graphic
  • In 'Letters from Yorkshire', the speaker's relationship with her friend could be interpreted in multiple ways so the definite meaning is uncertain. We would describe this as...
    • 'ambiguous' ✓
  • Match up each of these quotations to the correct image
    • 'Sonnet 29'
      "boughs" ✓
    • 'Love's Philosophy'
      "mountains" ✓
    • 'Letters from Yorkshire'
      "miles" ✓
  • If two people have a close, affectionate relationship but there is no sexual attraction between them, we could describe this relationship as ... or ...
    • romantic
    • catatonic
    • platonic  ✓
    • pedantic
    • familial  ✓
  • When selecting supporting evidence, you should make sure quotations are precise, accurate and judiciously chosen. What does 'judiciously' mean here?
    • copied exactly as it appears in the original text
    • quickly; the first relevant quote that could be located
    • as short as necessary to effectively support the inference/analysis
    • wisely; judged to be the best evidence for the point being made  ✓
    • full of language and structural techniques that you can analyse