Starter quiz

  • What is the poem 'Climbing My Grandfather' about?
    • someone exploring the grandfather's attic after their death
    • someone reminiscing about climbing up their grandfather's body as a child  ✓
    • someone climbing a mountain with their grandfather
  • How does the speaker feel at the beginning of the poem 'Climbing My Grandfather'?
    • excited but nervous
    • safe and secure  ✓
    • worried for their safety
    • exhausted but triumphant
    • sad and lonely
  • A ______ is when you compare two things using 'like' or 'as'.
    • 'simile' ✓
  • Which examples below are a metaphors?
    • The teacher was like a dragon.
    • The teacher was a dragon.  ✓
    • The teacher shouted as loudly as a lion.
    • The teacher was mean.
    • The teacher roared at the class, her eyes blazing with fury.  ✓
  • Which of the quotations from the middle of the poem 'Climbing My Grandfather' show the speaker is becoming worried about the risks of their climb?
    • "old brogues, dusty and cracked"
    • "the glassy ridge of a scar"
    • "I rest for while in the shade, not looking down"  ✓
    • "the slow pulse of his good heart"
    • "I change direction, traverse along his belt"
  • When a writer repeatedly draws on the same metaphorical comparison throughout a text, we call it an ...
    • repetition.
    • alliterative phrase.
    • extended metaphor.  ✓
    • extended noun phrase.