Starter quiz

  • When approximately was the Romantic movement?
    • late 18th century to mid 19th century  ✓
    • medieval period
    • 32 BC - 332 BC
  • Which of the below is not a Romantic belief/value?
    • humans are powerless  ✓
    • nature is beautiful and awe-inspiring
    • rejection of powerful institutions
  • What is a summary?
    • a detailed analysis of something
    • a clear and concise description of something  ✓
    • an introduction to an essay
  • What does autobiograhical mean?
    • dealing with someone else's life
    • dealing with one's own life  ✓
    • writing about something that is made up
  • How might one display arrogance?
    • sharing with others
    • boasting about their ability to do something  ✓
    • winning a competition
  • What is a volta?
    • dramatic change in thought or emotion  ✓
    • a break within a line
    • when one line joins onto another with no pause