Starter quiz

  • What is power?
    • authority and freedom to act in a certain way  ✓
    • rivalry between groups
    • being wealthy
  • What is conflict?
    • fighting or disagreement between two parties/things  ✓
    • harmony across two parties/things
    • neutrality between two parties/things
  • What is unique about poetry compared to novels?
    • poems tell stories
    • poems have characters
    • poems allow emotion to be expressed in an intense way  ✓
  • How are power and conflict related?
    • power imbalances can lead to conflict  ✓
    • to be powerful is to be hostile and cruel to others
    • those in conflict are always powerful
  • How can environmental issues (e.g. global warming) relate to power and conflict?
    • They show that the environment and man are equal in power
    • They show the environment supersedes man's power
    • They show man's abuse of power over the environment  ✓
  • A statue of a cruel leader crumbles in the desert after many years. This example illustrates...
    • the power of time over humans  ✓
    • the power of mankind over nature
    • the power of nature over humans  ✓
    • the power of architecture over nature