Starter quiz

  • What is being described here: 'A figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear together'.
    • simile
    • metaphor
    • oxymoron  ✓
  • Match the key term to its definition.
    • language
      the words a writer uses to convey meaning ✓
    • form
      the organisation of the text on a page ✓
    • structure
      the type of text it is ✓
  • What is a volta in poetry?
    • the introduction to the poem
    • the turning point in the poem  ✓
    • the conclusion to the poem
  • What is the definition of 'enjambment'?
    • the pause created at the end of a line of poetry
    • the use of punctuation in the middle of a line
    • the continuation of a sentence without a pause past the end of a line  ✓
  • In 'Storm on the Island', may show the conflict between ______ and man.
    • 'nature' ✓
  • What do we mean by colloquial language?
    • informal language  ✓
    • formal language
    • direct language