Starter quiz

  • Whose perspective is the poem 'Kamikaze' told from?
    • the pilot
    • the pilot's daughter  ✓
    • the pilot's grandchild
    • the pilot's wife
  • What is honour?
    • feeling shame
    • good character and reputation  ✓
    • being remembered
  • What is the pilot's national duty in 'Kamikaze'?
    • to complete a sacrificial mission  ✓
    • to join the cavalry
    • to look after his children
  • Which quote taken from Garland's 'Kamikaze' contains sibilance?
    • "little fishing boats strung out like bunting"
    • "arcing in swathes like a huge flag waved"
    • "shoals of fishes flashing silver"  ✓
  • What is a quote explosion?
    • an essay plan
    • a carefully annotated quote  ✓
    • a page full of interesting quotes from a text
  • What shows the importance of honour in 'Kamikaze'?
    • the pilot's family shun him when he does not complete his mission  ✓
    • the pilot completes the sacrificial mission although he doesn't want to
    • the majestic way in which the fish swim
    • the pilot deciding to turn back