Starter quiz

  • In century did Jane Austen write her novels?
    • 20th century
    • 19th century  ✓
    • 18th century
  • Which of the following is not a novel by Jane Austen?
    • Pride and Prejudice
    • Sense and Sensibility
    • Oliver Twist  ✓
    • Persuasion
  • What nationality was John Steinbeck?
    • German
    • American  ✓
    • British
    • Australian
  • If you wanted to write about differences, which two of the following phrases might you use?
    • both
    • however  ✓
    • whereas  ✓
    • also
  • Choose the best word to complete the following sentence: Steinbeck's novels are primarily about the American poor ______ Jane Austen's novels are mainly set among the English middle class.
    • although
    • which
    • whereas  ✓
    • despite
  • What word best completes the following sentence: Some differences are obvious; some are more...
    • larger
    • subtle  ✓
    • explicit
    • serious