Starter quiz

  • What is the best synonym for 'precise'?
    • vague
    • accurate  ✓
    • ambiguous
    • uncertain
  • Which term is used to refer to the overall atmosphere created by a writer?
    • plot
    • setting
    • mood  ✓
    • characterisaton
  • What do we mean when we say a writer's meaning is explicit?
    • The writer's meaning is open to interpretation
    • The writer's meaning is hidden and requires inference
    • The writer's meaning is clearly stated  ✓
    • The writer's meaning is emotional and subjective
  • Match the situations on the left with the most likely inferences.
    • They take careful notes during class
      They value education ✓
    • They volunteer to present to the class
      They are confident ✓
    • They borrow a pen from a friend
      They are not organised ✓
  • Why was marriage so important to middle class women in the 19th century?
    • economic independence and career opportunities
    • higher education and learning opportunities
    • social status and financial security  ✓
    • rebellion against societal norms
  • How might a woman's inability to earn her own money in the 19th century affect her view of marriage?
    • It would probably make her independent and less reliant on marriage
    • It might lead her to prioritise love over financial consideration
    • It could create a pragmatic approach in which marriage is a means to security  ✓
    • It may encourage her to avoid marriage altogether