Starter quiz

  • Which two colours do we commonly associate with Christmas?
    • Blue
    • Red  ✓
    • Yellow
    • Orange
    • Green  ✓
  • What is the commonly accepted definition of the term "Christmas spirit"?
    • The magical ability to grant wishes during the holiday season.
    • The feeling of joy, generosity, and goodwill towards others during Christmas.  ✓
    • The tradition of decorating Christmas trees with colourful lights and ornaments.
    • The belief in the existence of Santa Claus and his workshop at the North Pole.
  • Which plants do we typically associate with Christmas?
    • Holly  ✓
    • Roses
    • Mistletoe  ✓
    • Willow
    • Ivy  ✓
  • What changes did we see in Scrooge in Stave 2 of 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • We saw Scrooge's capacity for empathy.  ✓
    • We saw Scrooge's hatred for Christmas.
    • We saw Scrooge's potential to love others.  ✓
    • We saw Scrooge become a sociable character.
    • We saw Scrooge beg the ghost to teach him more.
  • Complete the quotation from Stave 2 of 'A Christmas Carol': "I should like to be able to say a word or two to my ______ just now. That’s all.”
    • 'clerk' ✓
  • Starting with the first, put the events of the novella thus far in chronological order.
    • 1
      We learn that Marley died seven years ago. He was Scrooge's business partner.
    • 2
      Scrooge is rude to Fred, Bob and the two portly gentlemen.
    • 3
      Scrooge sees the face of Jacob Marley in his door knocker.
    • 4
      The ghost of Marley visits Scrooge and tells him he will be visited by 3 ghosts.
    • 5
      Scrooge is shown his childhood, during which he was neglected by his friends.
    • 6
      Scrooge is shown the breakdown of his relationship with his former fiancee.
    • 7
      Scrooge begs the Ghost of Christmas Past to cover the light on his head.