Starter quiz

  • What century was 1843 in?
    • 17th
    • 18th
    • 19th  ✓
    • 20th
  • What do we call the era between 1837 and 1901?
    • Edwardian era
    • Jacobean era
    • Elizabethan era
    • Victorian era  ✓
    • Medieval era
  • Which law was reformed in 1843 to tackle poverty in England?
    • The Homelessness Law
    • The Beggar Law
    • The Poor Law  ✓
    • The Workhouse Law
    • The Treadmill Law
  • According to the 1834 Poor Law, who had to go to the Workhouse?
    • any poor person
    • poor people deemed fit enough to work  ✓
    • criminals
    • poor people deemed not fit enough to work
  • What might the preface of a book be?
    • An afterword from the author that comes at the end
    • The small section of text on the back of a book that states what it is about
    • An introduction to the book that comes at the beginning  ✓
    • A brief account of the author's life
    • Who the writer has dedicated their book to
  • Which of the following is an example of pathetic fallacy?
    • "He was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone."
    • "Foul weather didn’t know where to have him."
    • "It was cold, bleak, biting weather: foggy withal."  ✓
    • "The city clocks had only just gone three."
    • "It was quite dark already—it had not been light all day."  ✓