Starter quiz

  • George Orwell's use of animals as main characters in 'Animal Farm' draws on the tradition of ...
    • a fable  ✓
    • an allegory
    • a politcal satire
    • a fairy story
    • a novel
  • Initially, in 'Animal Farm' some of the animals can't understand or remember the commandments so they are reduced to which one essential phrase?
    • 'Animal Farm' forever
    • I must work harder
    • Long live Napoleon
    • Four legs good, two legs bad  ✓
    • Napoleon is always right
  • In 'Animal Farm' which character could be described as narcissistic, lazy and reliant on the humans for 'luxuries'?
    • Clover
    • Moses
    • Mollie  ✓
    • Muriel
    • Snowball
  • In 'Animal Farm' which character mirrors the acts of Joseph Stalin?
    • Napoleon  ✓
    • Pinchfield
    • Snowball
    • Squealer
    • Mr. Jones
  • Which sentence use the words ‘corrupt’ correctly?
    • When people use power in a dishonest way in order to get an advantage.
    • Corruption is when people fight against authority.
    • There was a corruption against the tyrannical leader.
    • Boxer is corrupt because he always works hard.
    • The pigs are corrupt because they keep the milk and apples for themselves.  ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', what role does the character Moses play for the animals on Animal Farm?
    • He is a loyal supporter of the rebellion.
    • He spreads dissent and rebellion among the animals.
    • He serves as a religious figure and validates the animals' suffering.  ✓
    • He is a skilled tactician in battles against the humans.