Starter quiz

  • Which best describes Lady Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 5 of 'Macbeth'?
    • unwaveringly plotting
    • unwaveringly deceptive
    • unwaveringly ambitious  ✓
    • unwaveringly chaste
  • When Macbeth hears the prophecies in Act 1 of 'Macbeth', what are his first reactions?
    • He decides to commit regicide.
    • He wants to know 'more'.  ✓
    • He is attracted by the prophecies, but has made no definite decisions.  ✓
    • He writes a letter to Lady Macbeth to tell her about what the witches said.  ✓
    • He decides to kill Banquo.
  • Which of the following describe Macbeth at the start of the play 'Macbeth'?
    • a fearless Thane  ✓
    • recently promoted  ✓
    • a defeated warrior
    • a favoured subject  ✓
    • in league with the Thane of Cawdor
  • In Act 1, Scene 5 of 'Macbeth', Macbeth calls Lady Macbeth his 'dearest ______ of greatness'.
    • 'partner' ✓
  • In 'Macbeth', what quality of Macbeth's does Lady Macbeth see as getting in the way of his achieving the 'golden round'?
    • 'compassion'
    • 'milk'
    • 'valiant'
    • 'kindness'  ✓
    • 'rap't'
  • Which line of dialogue finishes Act 1, Scene 5 of 'Macbeth', signalling that this character is ready to plot a regicide?
    • Macbeth: 'Leave all the rest to me.'
    • Macbeth: 'We will speak further.'
    • Lady Macbeth: 'Leave all the rest to me.'  ✓
    • Lady Macbeth: 'We will speak further.'