Starter quiz

  • The story 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' is an example of what genre?
    • horror
    • romance
    • science fiction  ✓
    • Gothic
    • crime
  • Who wrote 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth'?
    • 'Jules Verne' ✓
  • An exclamative is a sentence which ...
    • asks a question.
    • conveys strong emotion.  ✓
    • conveys a fact or piece of information.
    • gives a direct command.
  • Match the example sentence with the sentence type.
    • How did we get here?
      Interrogative ✓
    • Take cover now.
      Imperative ✓
    • It's behind you!
      Exclamative ✓
    • The lamps were broken.
      Declarative ✓
  • Which of these is the correct definition of the word 'conjunction'?
    • A word used to connect clauses or sentences  ✓
    • A word used to separate clauses or sentences
    • A word used to show a close relationship between clauses or sentences
    • A word used to show synonyms for clauses or sentences
  • Which of the below is the correct definition for a compound sentence?
    • A sentence containing two independent clauses linked by a conjunction  ✓
    • A sentence containing only a single clause with a subject and verb
    • A sentence with a combination of a main clause and a subordinate clause
    • A sentence that conveys facts and information