Starter quiz

  • The emotional response that a writer wants to create in a reader is known as the...
    • purpose
    • mood  ✓
    • atmosphere
  • Free writing is when you...
    • simply write without worrying about clarity or accuracy  ✓
    • create an in-depth plan before you begin writing
    • revise and review a piece of writing
  • What does the word evoke mean?
    • a phrase that has often been said
    • to improve the quality, amount or strength of something
    • to bring or recall a feeling, memory, or image to the mind  ✓
  • Starting with the first, put the following synonyms for 'good' in order of how ambitous they are.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • What is a simile?
    • a direct comparison between two things, often using 'is' or 'was'
    • comparing two things using 'like' or 'as'  ✓
    • giving human characterstic to inanimate objects
  • What is a metaphor?
    • a direct comparison between two things, often using 'is' or 'was'  ✓
    • giving human characterstic to inanimate objects
    • over exaggeration in piece of writing