Starter quiz

  • What is an adjective?
    • the person, place or thing that is doing the action
    • a being, having or doing word
    • a word that describes or modifies a noun  ✓
  • What emotion does the adjective 'delightful' suggest?
    • positive  ✓
    • negative
    • neutral
  • What is a plan?
    • when you go back and improve and edit your writing
    • when you think about how you're going to do your writing  ✓
    • when you read someone else's writing and offer suggestions
  • What is a simile?
    • where you give human characteristics to non-human things
    • where you create a comparison using 'like' or 'as'  ✓
    • where you create a comparison by saying something is something else
  • Which of the following is a metaphor?
    • Her hands were as rough as sandpaper.
    • The towers were sentinels.  ✓
    • The moon chuckled wryly to itself.
  • Writing that describes something in an interesting and detailed way is called ______ writing.
    • 'descriptive' ✓